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Daily Divinity (FLOW)

Turning within is a habit we can cultivate over time.

Choose a daily check-in modality to help support this habit building. Below are some suggestions I have used at some point on my path. I have categorized them by their intensity level. So please, start exactly where you are because it is exactly where you need to be. And, even if some of the more challenging texts call to you, it isn't necessary to do them every day. For instance, while I did complete A Course in Miracles Workbook in a year, it took me nearly two years to get through the main text!

Just do what you can when you can.


-pick up any old notebook and jot down three things you are grateful for

-The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

Although it deals with codependency, the wisdom can be generalized. I found it very healing and supportive.

This is my favorite journal cover ever! And I have seen my fair share of journal covers.


I adore my Notes from the Universe and this calendar is on my desk and keeps me inspired.

-The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

Thoughtful, daily entries to stir the soul and mend the heart.

I love my digital notebook. It really is reMarkable! (click picture for reMarkable notebook link)


-Tao Te Ching as translated by Stephen Mitchell

Timeless and profound.

-A Course in Miracles Workbook scribed by Dr. Helen Schucman

Here's the thing about this workbook, the whole point isn't whether you perfectly interpret the lessons or 'learn' them, but rather that you are turning your attention inward on a daily, regular basis. This catapulted my inner path to a whole, new level.

Be kind to yourself on this path. You are doing a fantastic job!

Join me on social for inspiration and support for your path within...

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May 27, 2022

Great post Diana - love the tiered approach! Thoughts on the Nepo book? I’ve read some basic reads on giving-back and altruism - and the reviews were very positive on Nepos’s Awakening - even from a famous hard rocker :) Thx and y’all having a great time in the wild🐘🐘🐘.

Diana DeVaul
Jun 11, 2022
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Hello! I am back and finally connecting to my blog again. I LOVE the Nepo book! It truly meets you where you are and reflects the wisdom we all hold within.

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