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Embracing Inner Freedom: The Power of Open-Ended Activity

A few weeks back I had a Sunday morning roll in that was deliciously wide-open. I geared up my puppy and we made our way into the sunshine where sea and sand intersect. Oakley didn't know it, but we were about to embark on an epic shark-tooth hunting adventure.

woman and dog with found shark tooth
Best shark-tooth finding partner ever!

Most days I am time-crunched and have both my dogs with me. My senior girl, Nora, at 12 years old can be a reluctant walker although a prolific pooper. I imagine I make quite a splash with these two on our walks. I'm swathed head to toe in sun protective wear, a giant hat, Oakely strapped to my belt and Nora dragging behind. Then, I have to stop to scoop the aforementioned prolific poop, keep Oakley from getting into trouble, and if I'm lucky, balance with great dexterity a shark tooth or two in one of my hands.

We are a miniature circus as we traipse up and down the coastline.

But not on this day. Not on this beautiful, open-ended morning having left Nora at home already walked by John, and no other plans ahead for the day.

Oakley and I took our time.

Every moment steady and true.

The real beauty of it all was I didn't place a limit on how long my teeth searching would last. Time fell away and in its absence my soul spread out like an eagle's wings in flight.

Soul-expansive moments are rare but they are crucial to our awakening process. We need reminders we are right where we need to be.

No farther, no less.

The alchemy of this outing came down to giving my egoic mind a rest. I gave myself permission to be on that beach for as long as my heart desired.

Turned out, it was a pretty long time.

In the next few weeks consider picking an activity you love and giving yourself ample time and space to explore it. Of course there's value in squeezing in what we love to do throughout our often over-scheduled lives, but we don't truly embody it when we do this. Taking our time with it will honor what it can teach us.

On this particular morning with the sand sinking between my toes and Oakley racing ahead, I found more than just shark teeth.

I found me.

Aren't you ready to do the same for yourself?

shark tooth collection

Find Your Flow - Practices for the Soul

a blog to support your inward journey


Oct 28, 2024

As we are driving back from TX, enjoyed this very much. My CBT individual just suggested this my last session. Plus who couldn’t love the beach! Glad you are back writing. Much love 💕 Marissa

Diana DeVaul
Oct 29, 2024
Replying to

I hope you had a great time in TX🥰 it’s always nice to read your words of encouragement. Means a lot to me🙏🏻💕

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