There are these life moments when everything slows down and random details are seared into your memory.
The day was hot, as most Texas days are, the late afternoon sunlight slanted towards me and glinted off the sidewalk as my sandals scraped across the surface. Having exited the hair salon, I was walking towards home, my cell phone rested at my ear. On the other end of this call was Mary Lou. She listened as I shared that my freshly highlighted strands were brighter than normal, and I was unsure if I liked them.
Then, the conversation went serious. It was if the atmosphere had swallowed us both and all unnecessary details dropped away in an instant.
Mary Lou shared the life-altering truth her second yet-to-be born grandson had been diagnosed as having an extra chromosome. She had spent some time processing this news and was able to share this Down syndrome information as fact, as her initial shock had settled into resolute acceptance.
My mind was spinning.
In a matter of about two blocks I took this baby’s diagnosis of Down syndrome into my head and heart, processed it, and immediately took to calling him ‘Baby Magic’ (I didn’t know him formally as Henry quite yet).
My soul, while still a little shook, informed me of the big picture. Baby Magic would arrive and life would never be the same. There would be emotional and physical challenges, but, with time, this little miracle would transcend all of them. He would teach us everything about love and how being in the moment makes for a wonderful life.
This isn't to say I did not honor the difficultly of what Mary Lou, her family, and Baby Magic had yet to overcome, because there were some of the hardest days ahead, but I knew, as did his family, Henry’s inherent magic would make it all worthwhile.

Henry is now thriving, active, and happy. He is limitless and watching him grow into the beginnings of his capabilities is a sight to behold. That's why we are choosing Ruby's Rainbow for our latest DeVaul Family Great Day donation. Ruby's Rainbow is “a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of adult students with Down syndrome by helping them achieve their dreams of higher education.”
To learn more about this incredible organization click here: Ruby's Rainbow
I highly recommend following them on Instagram as well. Inspiration for days: @rubysrainbow
This is in honor of Mary Lou, her whole family and to honor Henry's unlimited potential.
Thank you for sharing all that magic.
Henry's just getting started. ❤

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