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Nashville Lessons (Where would you go in the absence of fear?)

I traveled to Nashville with a group of friends last month. Doing a trip like this without John was a big growth opportunity for me. The days leading up to it I struggled with anxiety, but I didn't let it stop me.

I am learning fear speaks first and loudest. It's up to me to decide if I listen or not.

Here are some of the lessons I learned while in Nashville:

1. A chai latte tastes better when you navigate an unknown area by yourself to retrieve it.

2. No matter what I do, I still think I'm getting murdered when I stay at a hotel. The best I could do was accept this as fact and place a chair to help lock my door in place at night.

3. Dolly Parton is a gift to humanity.

4. I love to line dance but realized some of my 'talent' expressed more Riverdance than cool cowgirl. This fact did not stop me from dancing.

5. I had a triggering stretch while my group navigated Broadway which is the heart of Nashville's party scene. Honestly, it could have been triggering for anyone who isn't comfortable in rowdy crowds. Therefore, I didn't beat myself up about it too much. Thankfully, I was able to reset and ended up having a blast the remainder of the night.

6. I met an awesome artist named AJaye. Had I stayed home in my pajamas, we never would have crossed paths. She is incredible. Listen to her song here: Growing Up

7. I am equal parts deep & serious while also being outgoing & silly. Maybe we are all things at once?

8. Watching magic makes my head hurt in the best possible way thanks to the show and performers of House of Cards.

9. Doing yoga every day helped me stay centered and true. This made my anxiety more manageable. To be clear, it was always present but managed nonetheless.

10. When the flight attendants tell you on repeat it's going to be a bumpy flight home, it's going to be a bumpy flight home. I dealt with my fear in these moments by accepting that the flight's outcome was not in my hands and by listening so intently to a podcast, I pushed all other stories and thoughts out of my brain. Listen here: Literally! With Rob Lowe

Where might you go in the absence of fear?

Inward & Onward,

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Thank you for reading!


Feb 27, 2023

I love this! You made me grin from ear to ear. Love you, Diana.

Kathy Broussard

Diana DeVaul
Feb 27, 2023
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Love you, too! I’m so glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and for the sweet comment.❤️


Feb 27, 2023

Way to go Diana...a fun trip to see friends, making new ones, and facing anxiety square in the eyes. Hotels and places where we are alone can be very stressful -- and thank you for sharing this with us. Admittedly, as a veteran, those same fears persist...and although the circumstances are different...the feeling are very similar. We all have our own unique way of dealing with anxiety -- yoga and other protective devices are all in the playbook for sure :) Thank you for always sharing -- it helps a lot.

Diana DeVaul
Feb 27, 2023
Replying to

I hope by sharing the realities of my anxiety with others helps us all feel less alone in it. Yoga is a key coping mechanism. I’m grateful you have found it to be a helpful tool as well🙏🏻


Feb 26, 2023

What a fun trip! Got to be In Nashville one time when I worked for EKU for a game with high end donors event. glad to hear you got to enjoy a girls trip! LOVE the fun pics to!

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