Recently I have been working through some unresolved emotional blocks from my past. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but my inner compass keeps pointing me through it. Avoidance won't get me feeling better, so I continue to make the space and quiet to work through whatever rises up.
As I do so while continuing to create content for this blog and my social media accounts (IG @dianadevaul.writer, FB dianadevaulwriter), I find myself scrolling through previous content for inspiration. It's interesting to me that many of these posts are the exact wisdom I need right now.
This one landed on my heart in the precise moment I needed it. Loving awareness is more powerful than forcing ourselves to be healed when we are still grieving. I'm looking forward to the rising in this aftermath.

Often, though our circumstances can't shift immediately, our perspective certainly can. It helps to know this hard thing we are going through is a small speck on a beautiful continuum of the whole of our life.

It can be challenging to move through past hurts and still feel I have something to offer others. I often lose confidence in my ability to share my inner wisdom with the outer world. However, I am not meant to teach you anything you don't already know. My intention is to point you in the direction of your truth, not define it for you. I believe in you too much to tell you what to do, because I know deep in my heart you know what is best for you.
Let's be brave together and keep sharing our 'I don't knows' with the world.

Ultimately, I am a guide for you. As your guide it is very important you know this. And be clear for it is the truth:

Inward & Onward,

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Thank you for reading!
