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The Decision to Delete: Embracing Life Beyond Social Media

In the past few weeks, as I've listened deeply to the space between thoughts, a repetitive theme arose regarding social media. This week, I made the decision to listen to this inner guidance and deleted my accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. In truth, I had scaled back my use of these considerably, so leaving them altogether seemed like a natural next step.

What led to my decision was a sense that I never fully felt at home on these platforms. I joined Facebook later than most, and took even longer to create an Instagram account. While I hoped to find a sense of connection, I often found that it didn't quite resonate with me. This isn’t meant to judge those who thrive in the digital space or the value that online connections can bring, but I came to realize that, for me personally, it wasn’t the right fit.

Over the years, I’ve made a sincere effort to share content that felt authentic and true to who I am. What began as a space to celebrate my kids' milestones and memorable vacations gradually became a way to offer some of the lessons I’ve learned through personal struggles and growth. If anything I’ve shared has been able to offer even a small bit of support or encouragement to someone else, it makes the journey worthwhile. Therefore, all has not been lost.

It feels a bit strange to be 'out of the loop' right now, leaving me somewhat untethered. However, I remind myself that embracing the unknown can often be healthier than holding onto something that no longer serves me. Letting go of what doesn't feel right makes space for discovering where I truly belong.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the belonging I long for was never 'out there' in the first place.

I'm proud of myself for stepping outside my comfort zone and giving these platforms a dedicated and thorough effort. I leave them with no regrets, and an open heart, eager to see what new opportunities may fill the space they once held.

What might you be willing to let go of today?

Inward & Onward,

Diana DeVaul Inward &  Onward logo

1 comentário

12 de jan.

Love it! I wish I had the courage to do the same and look forward to hearing how your journey goes. With a kid just going into college my fear is more disconnection from his world but maybe my fears are baseless.

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