Last year around this time due to extenuating circumstances, I took a mental health break from my blog. At the time I had no idea what was yet to come. There were things I knew like my oldest son leaving for college, and there were things I didn't know like my dad's unexpected passing a few weeks later.
Life is hard sometimes.
Up to this point, writing had often been a lifeline for me offering a wide-lens perspective of up-close heartbreak, yet I have not been ready to face that some broken parts are not meant to be repaired. These fractures, though painful, are meant to set us free.
I am ready for freedom now.
Today is Friday the 13th and also happens to be my 50th birthday. This seemed like a day as good as any other to start.

If you are going through something right now, something you don't speak out loud to anyone about.
I'm here for you.
If you find that life has lost some sparkle and choosing joy feels like work.
I'm here for you.
I can't make any promises my words will ease your journey, but may you find comfort in knowing we are searching and healing together.
Knowing I may be able to support you, even in this small way has helped me find my courage to begin again.
Here's to new beginnings and to letting go of all the endings that no longer serve us.
Inward & Onward,

Love this💕
Thank you, Diana! I’m happy you’re back!