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Reimagining the Future: How to Create a Vision Without a Plan

As 2022 came to a close, I began a new tradition of hosting an annual vision board workshop in my home. At the first workshop, I focused on setting specific goals—like growing my following, writing a book, and creating a mindfulness podcast—believing that clear objectives would guide me. However, things didn’t unfold as expected. Aside from a few smaller goals, many of my intentions never materialized. Combined with some significant personal changes throughout that year led me to rethink my entire approach to goal setting.

In 2023, I took a different path. Rather than using a digital platform, I made my vision board a hands-on art project. I didn’t start with specific goals, but instead, allowed the creative process to guide me. As I cut and pasted images and quotes, I let my heart lead the way, finding joy in the experience. The result was a vision board that reflected how I felt inside, and it became a source of inspiration and encouragement throughout 2024.

Looking back on this past year, I’m not sure I achieved any major goals—except, perhaps, simply surviving it. Yet, amidst the challenges, I also witnessed love and experienced beauty, even when it felt like the weight of everything around me was heavy. In many ways, that was enough.

This year, I carried the same mindset forward, allowing my vision board to be a cheerleader rather than a taskmaster. While 2025 may bring new opportunities, I’m not yet ready to chase goals that do not resonate with my soul. The profound shifts in my life have revealed that some of my relationships and ideals no longer align with my purpose. I sought validation from outside, and in doing so, I lost touch with the deep peace I truly wished to embody. Before I can focus on growing an audience or anything of the sort, I need to reconnect with my own worth. For in nurturing the self, all things grow naturally.

I am beginning this year from a fresh start. I’m once again not asking the Universe for anything specific; I just wish for the opportunity to continue my healing journey while supporting others in theirs. My only plan is to embrace the uncertainty and remain open to what comes next.

One of my favorite prayers to start each day is from A Course in Miracles:

"Where would you have me go?"

"What would you have me do?"

"What would you have me say, and to whom?"

May these questions guide us all to our next steps. May we surrender to them and be led toward becoming the most loving and helpful versions of ourselves.

Inward & Onward,

Diana DeVaul Inward &  Onward logo


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