My best friend is mean.
If he’s not feeling particularly mean, then sometimes he’s cranky.
If his needs go unmet, even for a fraction of a second, he’s likely to have a complete meltdown. Believe me, he can be needy. He wrote the book on needy.
Thankfully, he’s not always so high maintenance. Other than being near me, his favorite life activity is sleeping. It’s an art form. His favorite napping spot is on my bed. A six-hour nap is not unheard of, in fact, it’s the norm.
In spite of all of this and maybe because of all of this, he is perfection.
He is absolutely perfect.
Max came into our world at the ripe old age of ten. I did not know it then, but he was destined to be my spirit animal. In the course of a few short weeks, he designated me as his ‘person’ and it has been that way ever since.
Our relationship has shifted over the years as he has graced his way into (very) old age. He no longer is able to follow me around like he wants to, instead each day is like a chess match. I am constantly moving him from room to room in relation to where I am in the house. We make it work and he is happy most of the time, except when he isn’t.
Still, he’s earned his mood swings, neediness and occasional moments when he mews like a sad kitty. Why? Because at his core he represents a universal truth.
Love is unconditional.
He has reminded me on days when life has hurt me that I am still worthy of being loved. He is clear his love is not contingent on how I look or even what I do. His love is constant, it is sure, and it centers me.
He is seventeen this month. In dog years that makes him quite possibly a zillion years old.
Time may be short with him, but the love he has given me is the kind that is sustainable in one’s heart for a lifetime.
In honor of Max’s seventeenth year, the DeVaul Family Great Day Foundation is donating to ‘The Grey Muzzle Organization’. They provide funding and resources to dog rescues and sanctuaries that serve senior dogs. You can learn more about this incredible foundation here:
This month’s giving feels extra special because it is our first one since the pandemic impacted our nation and the world. While we wish our fund could weather global economic fluctuations, we had to take a breather to bounce back. Take this month’s donation as a sign that we all can rise up from the challenges we are facing during this uncertain time in history.
My wish for you today and every day is that you are remember how much you are loved.
Max wanted me to tell you that.
And naps! Make sure to take lots of naps, too.
*this blog first appeared as a Great Day Foundation FB post in July of 2020
Max, the G.O.A.T., has since crossed over the rainbow bridge.
He was a month shy of turning 18.
What a gift he was to me and to the world.