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I’m All In (This Is for You)

Somehow a long time ago I believed I was broken and unlovable. Therefore I attacked my healing journey with this conviction of 'fixing' myself at all costs.

It was lonely and terrifying believing my biggest obstacles to peace were things I had control over. I was certain it was up to me to 'better' myself so life would follow suit.

Then, I met some people who showed me a different way. One in which I did not have to change anything about me. I started to learn to be kinder to myself and made space for the lop-sided days when my tough emotions got the better of me.

I am not healed or whole yet only because I am still working through the conditioning of my mind. I am removing the blocks within me instead focusing on fixing the outer me. My true work isn't to heal, it's to remember.

I want to help you remember, too. That is why I write this blog and create content to support your soul's journey.

I am so passionate about connecting to other wayward souls, I am constantly stepping outside my comfort zone. For instance, I had a friend take some videos of me walking in an attempt to create social media content. It was soooo weird and awkward.

But I did it.

I did it for you.

Whatever it takes to help you remember.

I'm all in.

Oh and I'll throw in a little awkward pretend reading while trying not to crack up (impossible!).

Stayed tuned because I imagine things will continue to be perplexing as we step beyond what is comfortable. But that's awakening. Weird and wonderful.

No one should have to do this alone.

I'm so glad you are here.

Inward & Onward,

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Thank you for reading!

4 תגובות

23 באוק׳ 2022

And all I am seeing is those adorable shoes!! Strut that style!! Love ya walking & laughing fake reading 😂 (that reminds me of Broc when he was younger not doing HW)

Diana DeVaul
27 באוק׳ 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

Fake reading is the best!!😂 The shoes are awesome, had them for years and they make every outfit better!


23 באוק׳ 2022

I like the order you suggest Diana -remember and live - then loving change occurs as a result (not from a flx-me mindset). Living the journey :). Scott

Diana DeVaul
23 באוק׳ 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

I was trying so hard to fix when all I needed was to love and accept myself as I am. I may always have anxiety but I can love myself through it. I may always have parts of me or relationships that aren’t fully healed, but I can love myself through it. Loving ourselves through it, no matter what our journey looks like…that’s the real healing. Proud of you for all the work you keep putting in and how you continue to show up on this path. ❤️❤️❤️

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