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A Friendly Universe?

Is the Universe friendly? I'm not so sure. As I continue to navigate loss and uncertainty like everyone else, my experience has deemed the Universe to be rather unforgiving. In order to move forward, I am redefining what a 'friendly Universe' means. It's the only way to keep a little pocket of hope alive in my heart.

Imagine living in a snow globe. It can be whatever you want. A city skyline perhaps or a nature scene. It doesn't matter. What matters is it feels like home. It is familiar and comforting. Something we would never dare to change for fear of losing everything.

Then, the Universe comes along. It takes one look at our complacency and decides to do a 'friendly' shake-up of all we hold near and dear. This rattles us as our foundation of life starts to crumble and shift in unexpected ways. The swirling snow particles dance for as long as they need to until they settle into a silent invitation. We could stay here in this familiar snow globe or we could break it open and spill ourselves into an unknown future. The first choice seems easy, but is it? The second choice, appearing more difficult, requires courage and faith.

I'm not here to tell you what is the better choice, but my inkling is if we make a choice based on fear our snow globe will be rocked again and soon.

I believe the Universe knows us better than we know ourselves. It knows when we are out of alignment with our truth and authenticity. It may give us some grace periods here and there to see if we make the necessary moves to be true to ourselves, but if we don't, prepare to get that shake-down.

Therefore, the Universe isn't friendly or mean. It's self-correcting. It will do whatever it takes to make sure we are living as close to our genuine selves as possible.

This, to me, feels like the highest expression of love.

Even when it hurts. Even when nothing makes sense. Even when you have to let go of someone you love.

Though I am currently carrying a lot of sorrow in my heart, I am comforted knowing my true self is getting a chance to develop, emerge, and maybe even shine a bit.

Life will never be the same.

And, isn't that beautiful?

Inward & Onward,



Sep 29, 2024

Indeed the universe can be darn mean - storm damage and floods this week and death to some. In light of that we see the pinnacle of love and kindness and people rally for each other and keep faith alive.


Sep 29, 2024

A morning to wake up and read is sadly true on which direction this world is true. Just the recent weather in many states is a perfect example of man kind. Bless those that lost loved ones and prayers for your loss as well. 🙏🏻💕

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